【獎項 Prizes】 入圍 Nominated
【公司/團隊 Company/Group】
【設計師姓名 Designer】 黃奕傑、尤葦帆
【作品介紹 Description】
「Safe Crossing」是一個設置在安全島前斑馬線的Led發光板,在紅燈時亮起綠色及紅色區域。綠色區域告知行人,在此停留等待下次綠燈通行時間。而紅色區域則警示行人,請勿強行穿越也提醒駕駛注意斑馬線上的行人。透過埋在地底的壓電效應板,將行人經過時的壓力轉換為電能儲存。進而供應Led發光所需要的電能。藉由「Safe Crossing」行動不便的老人或身心障礙者,也能輕鬆的跨越馬路。
“Safe Crossing” is a new zebra crossing system, which combines with traffic lights system and provides a safer approach to roadway crossing. Pedestrian received electricity by piezoelectricity board placed under with their steps is transformed into safe crossing ensure easier and safer road-crossing of the elderly the handicapped.