
智慧型博愛座系統 Smart Priority Seat System

智慧型博愛座系統 Smart Priority Seat System


All seats on the train are available as Priority Seats. Everyone who needs a seat can get an induction sticker and paste it on the Easy Card. Then, the system can receive the signal delivered from the Easy Card and calculate the required number of Priority Seats. The seats nearest the door will be lighted up and turned into priority seats. Moreover, the information of Priority Seats will be displayed on a screen on the platform.

【獎項 Prizes】 佳作 Excellent 

【國家或地區 Country/Region】 

【公司/團隊 Company/Group】  

【設計師姓名 Designer】 顏于亭、范健栩、劉韻慈、陳靜美 

【作品介紹 Description】

All seats on the train are available as Priority Seats. Everyone who needs a seat can get an induction sticker and paste it on the Easy Card. Then, the system can receive the signal delivered from the Easy Card and calculate the required number of Priority Seats. The seats nearest the door will be lighted up and turned into priority seats. Moreover, the information of Priority Seats will be displayed on a screen on the platform.