
鹰背——鄂尔多斯市民中心 Eagle Landmark——Citizen Center of Erdos

鹰背——鄂尔多斯市民中心 Eagle Landmark——Citizen Center of Erdos



【獎項 Prizes】 優選 Distinction 

【國家或地區 Country/Region】 中國大陸China

【公司/團隊 Company/Group】  KUANLU + Partners

【設計師姓名 Designer】 王宽 WANG KUAN 

【作品介紹 Description】

该项目坐落于中国北部内蒙古大草原上,是鄂尔多斯市鄂多克前旗多功能展览中心。包含4个展区:历史、文化、工业、城市规划。当地政府希望这幢建筑成为新城市的未来地标。 当设计任务交给我们时,我们意识到仅仅为城市设计一座地标是不够的,更重要的是我们要为市民做一些事情——基地有4公顷之大。如果没有处理好,这个“巨型物体”将侵占一大块城市公共空间。 这就是为什么它看上去像图中所示样子的原因。 我们想让建筑与场地融合为一个连续空间。人们可以在户外、户内、地面、屋顶自由散步。在这里一切都是融合的。就像散步于茫茫大草原一样。所以这样才成为一个真正的公共空间,而且市民可以亲切的称呼这里为“展览广场”,而不是“展览中心”。 我们试图从当地的地理地貌、蒙古文化以及当地图腾来挖掘灵感以融合形成设计理念。比如,面向城市主干道的正立面就是以鹰为原形进行的抽象设计,而鹰是当地图腾文化的核心。而屋顶广场的设计是来源于一当地的草原、远古石质地貌。 立面玻璃幕墙上的横向线条为太阳能板,并且可以根据太阳角度的变化自动旋转。 整个曲面屋顶被切割成无数阶梯,每一级阶梯上表面为花岗岩石材,侧面嵌植绿化条带。放眼望去,屋顶广场是无边无际的草原还是茫茫戈壁滩,取决于视线的角度。因此屋顶广场成为一个不断变化的梦幻之地:从草原到戈壁滩。每隔5级台阶,就有一条曲线成为屋顶天窗,为室内空间带来充足阳光。 因为屋顶的天窗均为自由曲线,所以从室内看整个吊顶就像宏伟的天穹。这将是蒙古人自己的地方——就好像他们一直生活在美丽宏伟的天穹之下。 请不要谈功能与形式之间的关系,我们认为在这个项目里,功能形式已经完全融合密不可分。我们建议您只要去“用心感觉”它就可以了。
This is a multifunctional exhibition centre for the new city of Otog located in the big Mongolia grassland at north China. It contains 4 exhibition parts: history, culture, industry, urban planning. The government wants it to be the landmark for the future of the new city. When we were commissioned, we realized that we not only need to design a landmark for the city, but also must do something for the people——the site is as huge as 40,000 m2. If not, there would be another “Big Block” occupying public space. That’s why it was born like these pictures shown to you. We want the building and the site to become one continuous space. People can walk everywhere outdoor or indoor, on ground or on roof. Everything is merged here. Just as if they are walking on the grassland. So it becomes into a real public place, and it’s better for people to call it “Exhibition Plaza” rather than “Exhibition Centre”. We tried to find something from local geography, Mongolia culture and the totem to be merged into the design concept. For example, the facade facing the main city road is designed from the eagle which is the spirit totem here. The roof plaza is designed from the local grassland and rock land. The lines on the façade are sun-shading solar panels. They can automatically rotate to open or close according to the sunshine. All of the roof is cut into stairs which act as both stone stairs and green belt. Whether it looks yellow or green, depends on the direction and angle you look at them. So the roof plaza becomes an always-changing dreaming place: from grassland to stone ground. Between every 5 stairs, there is 1 belt of roof window, which bring the sunlight into inner space. Because of the curved roof window, the ceiling looks like a dome of sky. This is a great space for all kinds of exhibition for Mongolia people——just like they are living under the great beautiful sky. Please don’t talk about the relationship between function and form. We think they are so much merged that cannot be departed by rationality. What we suggest you is FEEL the building.