【獎項 Prizes】 優選 Distinction
【國家或地區 Country/Region】 臺灣 Taiwan
【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 台北科技大學
【設計師姓名 Designer】 戴佳琪,何宜芳,葉柏彥,王錦源
【作品介紹 Description】
臺北地下交通網絡的發達,縮短移動的距離以及增加便利性,但是缺少與外面環境的連結,使人們不知道身在何處與天氣變化。Periscope在傾盆大雨時會事先提示,不會因為沒備傘而塞在捷運出口處,而造成危險,在搭乘電扶梯之前得知並提前做好準備。 此外,人們不會搞不清楚方向而迷失在繁複的捷運地道,簡單直覺的街景呈現,人們更自然判斷並迅速移動,避免擁塞。
In Taipei, the underground transport network is developed. It can be reduce the distance and increase the ease of movement. But, the underground transport network missing link with the outside environment. So that people do not know location and weather. Periscope will be prompted in heavy raining. It does not have umbrella and tuck at the exit of the MRT. Before boarding the escalator informed and prepared. Moreover, people do not get lost in the complicated and unclear direction of the MRT tunnel. It presents a simple intuitive Street. People move quickly and avoid congest