


以鑽石切割的外型連結各個機構,作為車身的骨架。後來則衍生出黃金比例的概念。 利用可調節式的快拆,改變騎乘者的姿式。

【獎項 Prizes】 評審團推薦獎 Judges’ Special Award;

【國家或地區 Country/Region】 臺灣 Taiwan

【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 大同大學

【設計師姓名 Designer】 莊聖威

【作品介紹 Description】

以鑽石切割的外型連結各個機構,作為車身的骨架。後來則衍生出黃金比例的概念。 利用可調節式的快拆,改變騎乘者的姿式。當坐椅向上,齒盤組和腳踏板下降。在加速時,更能符合勁速時的騎乘姿式。坐椅向下時,坐墊降低腳踏板上昇,姿式能放鬆適合在都市悠閒騎乘。 目前是針對追求速度但又可在都市慢活及需要上班通勤的族群, 另一方面也能滿足追求外型的極致。

It used the brilliant-cut shapes, which linked every mechanism, to be the framework of the bike. Afterwards it derived the idea of golden ratio. We use adjustable release to change rider's position. When the saddle is raised up, chain ring and pedals set will move down and the user’s body will be more suitable to med speed. When the saddle goes down, pedals will move up and people can feel more relax on this position when riding in the city. This bike is designed for citizens who pursue speed, but it also can be ridden slowly for weekend activities or a transportation to work. In addition to its convenience, the form is attractive too.