


ParkUp 期望建構一套因應都市發展所需的解決策略,讓空間資源分享在公共與私利交織的默契下達到平衡,並對我們所居住的城市發揮實質的影響力,以符合聯合國制定永續發展目標(SDGs)所描述的:讓城市與人類的定居朝共融、安全、具有韌性並且永續的方向前進。 ParkUp古亭 為品牌第一件空間改造案。由 Plan b 認養國有財產署管理的一處30坪閒置空地。

前庭廣場提供宜人的綠蔭,給予孩童足夠的活動空間;後方空地由爬藤圍籬形成一處半隱蔽的場域,能適應多種戶外活動,如工作坊、講座及露天影院等。 中間區域則由 9 座白色單槓構成,單槓適當的寬度與配置間距,讓輪椅能在其中自由通行。除了健身外,單槓也能架設秋千、吊床等簡便的休憩裝置,或當作鄰近居民們天晴晒被的鋼架。此外,在舉辦各種活動展演時,亦能作為展品掛架、頂篷支架,或甚至攤位小屋的門面使用。ParkUp古亭 雖然位於老舊社區,但藉由經常性的更換佈置與舉辦活動,吸引不少年輕人前來拜訪,不同族群間的對話與聯結便有機會產生。

【獎項 Prizes】 臺北市長獎 Taipei City Mayor Award

【國家或地區 Country/Region】 臺灣 Taiwan

【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 Plan b

【設計師姓名 Designer】  游適任、張憲文、林家琪

【作品介紹 Description】

ParkUp 是 Plan b 實踐空間再造(Placemaking)的品牌。宗旨是透過規劃與設計,讓都市中的閒置空間成為適應在地的開放空間。對於每一次的空間營造,我們秉持三個原則: 1_UNDER 165 m² 專注規劃 小型閒置空間 2_INCLUSIVE DESIGN 規劃按照 共融設計 3_LOCALIZATION 設計秉持 在地化 都市中難以利用的小型閒置空間,如果規劃得當,必定可以產生極大的乘數效應。ParkUp 期望建構一套因應都市發展所需的解決策略,讓空間資源分享在公共與私利交織的默契下達到平衡,並對我們所居住的城市發揮實質的影響力,以符合聯合國制定永續發展目標(SDGs)所描述的:讓城市與人類的定居朝共融、安全、具有韌性並且永續的方向前進。 ParkUp古亭 為品牌第一件空間改造案。由 Plan b 認養國有財產署管理的一處30坪閒置空地。前庭廣場提供宜人的綠蔭,給予孩童足夠的活動空間;後方空地由爬藤圍籬形成一處半隱蔽的場域,能適應多種戶外活動,如工作坊、講座及露天影院等。 中間區域則由 9 座白色單槓構成,單槓適當的寬度與配置間距,讓輪椅能在其中自由通行。除了健身外,單槓也能架設秋千、吊床等簡便的休憩裝置,或當作鄰近居民們天晴晒被的鋼架。此外,在舉辦各種活動展演時,亦能作為展品掛架、頂篷支架,或甚至攤位小屋的門面使用。ParkUp古亭 雖然位於老舊社區,但藉由經常性的更換佈置與舉辦活動,吸引不少年輕人前來拜訪,不同族群間的對話與聯結便有機會產生。

ParkUp is the exclusive brand of Plan b's placemaking projects. The primary objective of ParkUp is to renovate idle spaces throughout the city into local-adapted open spaces by 3 principles: 1. Under 165 m² 2. Inclusive Design 3. Localization ParkUp Guting: Located at Guting, Taipei City, the 1st placemaking project of ParkUp is to renovate a 100 m² state-owned idle land adopted by Plan b. The basic idea is to split the space into three independent but integrated areas. Shaded by trees, the front square provides a playground for kids, while the rear ground, surrounded by vine walls, functions as event space for a variety of activities such as workshop, lectures and outdoor cinemas. On the rear wall, as a collective creative work tributes to graffeurs in “Sticker Bomb”, we paint out a 5.32 m² rectangular where stickers are used as a communication tool between audience and graffeurs. As the stickers occupy the whole rectangular, it is implied that our city has an urgent insufficiency in urban green spaces. In the middle area, 9 white steel structural frames are set up with adequate width and spacing for the passing of wheelchairs. The frames are highly flexible to any outdoor event since they can act as hangers, poles or frames, serving not only for workout but also for practical usage such as swing, drying racks or hammock. In Taiwan, open spaces like parks and playgrounds are usually designed to be the same. This makes them very dull places. In ParkUp Guting, you'll find that not only local residents make use of it, but young people are attracted to this old community. We often change decorations on an irregular basis, so people would like to visit ParkUp Guting again and again, taking and sharing instagram photos to their friends. Connection hereby happens.