


在與輪椅族女性、脊椎剛開完刀的家人相處過程中,了解到輪椅族女性和高齡女性常常面臨找不到合適無障礙廁所的窘境,當她們需要外出時,常長時間不吃不喝,必須忍受憋尿、口渴的非人道境遇。 於是開始思考若能外在硬體環境不變的條件下,解決小便的問題,將讓更多的女性得以安心外出、工作。我們著手研究開發坐姿、站姿、斜躺都通用的小便工具 — Weepee,解決一般女性、孕婦、障礙女性和高齡女性如廁的大問題

坐姿和站姿皆適用的設計,讓 Weepee 適用於不同身體條件的女性和場合,像是爬山、泛舟、參加音樂會等不易找到合適廁所的場合,孕婦、剛開完刀的病友、塞在車陣中的乘客等不同的族群。

【獎項 Prizes】 優選 Distinction

【國家或地區 Country/Region】 臺灣 Taiwan

【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 識途股份有限公司

【設計師姓名 Designer】 彭明媛、鄭鈴

【作品介紹 Description】

在與輪椅族女性、脊椎剛開完刀的家人相處過程中,了解到輪椅族女性和高齡女性常常面臨找不到合適無障礙廁所的窘境,當她們需要外出時,常長時間不吃不喝,必須忍受憋尿、口渴的非人道境遇。 於是開始思考若能外在硬體環境不變的條件下,解決小便的問題,將讓更多的女性得以安心外出、工作。我們著手研究開發坐姿、站姿、斜躺都通用的小便工具 — Weepee,解決一般女性、孕婦、障礙女性和高齡女性如廁的大問題,並在設計階段,徵詢許多試用者的試用經驗,再一次次地改良。 坐姿和站姿皆適用的設計,讓 Weepee 適用於不同身體條件的女性和場合,像是爬山、泛舟、參加音樂會等不易找到合適廁所的場合,孕婦、剛開完刀的病友、塞在車陣中的乘客等不同的族群。


Women, especially female seniors and wheelchair users, often consider going out a stressful experience because finding suitable toilets when they feel desperate to go can be unpleasant. Not only is the unfriendly environment detrimental to women's health, but it limits their opportunities to actively participate in social activities. To tackle this issue, I have designed a hand-held urinal that is useful in a great variety of circumstances when access to a toilet is not possible or convenient, be it in a wheelchair, in the wild or on a long journey. This device particularly benefits women with mobility difficulties as well as their carers. With this product, those who are reasonably agile but currently rely on their carers for transfer to the toilet can independently manage their toileting needs. This female urinal can be used in different postures even sitting upright and without the need to insert it into the vagina orifice. Instead, users simply place the body of the urinal between labium majus and lanium minus which form a natural seal and apply gentle pressure on the part contacting perineum to ensure that urine passes through the tube connected to a container or urine bag. The solid device is easy to handle and feels gentle during the positioning. It usually works correctly straight away, allowing users to empty their bladder in comfort and be confident of no spillage. Apart from being water-repellent and reusable, it can be rinsed to remove urine stains and sterilized to reduce urinary infections or eliminate urine odors. Women's toileting problem should not go unspoken about or unnoticed. With proper devices like this female urinal, women can retain dignity and hygiene that might otherwise be flushed down the pan.