【獎項 Prizes】 評審團推薦獎 Judges’ Special Award
【國家或地區 Country/Region】 中國大陸 China
【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 國立台灣科技大學
【設計師姓名 Designer】 蟻錦煥
【作品介紹 Description】
It is difficult to completely cover the wound by using the general band-aid when a child's fingertip is injured. The wound can be contacted with water accidentally. Children's Fingertip Band-aids can better cover the wound so the wound has the better recovery. At the same time, the band-aid has a lovely cartoon design, effectively transfers children's attention away from wound pain. It also reduces children's worry about the ugly appearance of traditional band-aid on the tip. Enhancing the fun of band-aid.