
Cave Table

Cave Table

Cave Table This table is in collaboration with a Japanese Furniture Brand + an Architect. The design is inspired by the naturally formed cavity and hollow passages of a cave that can fold its internal structure inside and out.  The table features a convoluted cylinder with a twisted, coiled base that is self-supporting,touching the floor at 4 anchor points. It comprises of over 100 layers of 4mm thick birch plywood that is cut with a CNC router and laminated together.

【獎項 Prizes】 應用精進獎 Applied Design Award

【國家或地區 Country/Region】 日本 Japan

【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 noriaki hanaoka design

【設計師姓名 Designer】 Masahiro Kinoshita

【作品介紹 Description】

2016年12月より販売開始したテーブル。「デジタルとアナログの融合」を目指した。テーブルは「胡桃の実」のような表と裏が連続した形態で、アンバランスに見えるが捻れながらも重心の対象性を担保し、4点で均等支持している。テーブルは有機形状にカットした薄い合板を、高さ420ミリまで積層造形する事で「人工の年輪」のような視覚効果を生み出します。 製造は「複雑かつ単純であること」を目指した。あらかじめCAD-CAM上で3Dデーターを作成し、CNCルーター用にデーター変換しながら、2440 x 1200のバーチ合板から有効に木取りするためにデーターのレイアウトを工夫した。数値制御による切削加工のお陰で、4ミリ毎の積層工程(合計105枚)では高精度を確保できた。最終工程では、板厚分の「段差」が必ず生じるが、職人が鉋を使って全体的に平滑にして行く事で、「職人の感覚+ロボットの正確さ」の共同作業の実験場になった。


Cave Table This table is in collaboration with a Japanese Furniture Brand + an Architect. The design is inspired by the naturally formed cavity and hollow passages of a cave that can fold its internal structure inside and out. The table features a convoluted cylinder with a twisted, coiled base that is self-supporting,touching the floor at 4 anchor points. It comprises of over 100 layers of 4mm thick birch plywood that is cut with a CNC router and laminated together. To hone and perfect the design, a Japanese woodworking method of wood planing known as 'kannagake' is carried out by skilled artisans to meticulously plane and even out exposed edges and contours until they become one smooth undulating surface. Cave Table goes beyond the meaning of what furniture can be, it has embedded within it a small scaled design of a larger concept within an architectural process. The method is rooted in its form as it embraces both, advanced fabrication techniques and Japanese craftsmanship, all the while relaying its story of elegance through centuries old artistry blended with ensuing technologies.