【獎項 Prizes】 優選 Distinction
【國家或地區 Country/Region】 臺灣 Taiwan
【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 太研規劃設計顧問有限公司
【設計師姓名 Designer】 吳書原、王珮軒、陳怡潔、耿寧、何品儀、鄭凱元、林巧妮
【作品介紹 Description】
開始進行設計時,美軍俱樂部現址已是廢墟一片,荒煙蔓草,早已看不出原先的空間配置,經過幾次的探勘,以及工程單位的清整,最終終能隱約看出當時的庭園輪廓,在這荒廢的十數年間,荒野早已變成整個空間場域的主體,建築如斷垣殘壁般的存在也已變為整個場域裡的次主角,因此思考景觀設計如果可以以自然原野般的存在,自然成為母體,與週遭美麗的陽明山、紗帽山景色合而為一,而建築則如同藝術品安靜的矗立在這自然山林的畫布上,便成為這次基地地景設計的發想。 業主常抱怨設計師老喜歡種枯掉的稻草(狼尾、噴泉草)、蔥(木賊)等所謂的雜草作為基地植栽設計的主要元素,原野裏有花園、花園裡有原野、植物適地適用,四季輪替自然的呈現豐富多彩與型態、優雅而低調的光影變化才是應該謹記在心的設計原則,這次本基地大量使用多年生草花及極度野放草花種類,讓這些野性綠意能恣意的流動在這時間凍結的空間場域,搭配四季變化的黃金楓、落羽松,低調又不失優雅。 在多功能使用考量下,將原有三米深的泳池改建為8cm深的淺池水景廣場,其中隱含了一些低調設計,如池底是由兩次折面所構成,池中有一4cm高的中央步道,待水放掉一半時,中央步道就會出現,全放乾時,廣場全現,因所有的高程差皆以折面控制,故水池轉化為廣場的同時,亦不會產生惱人的高低差,人群可以任意得流動在這場域之中。 除保留原有的紅磚鋪面外,沒有再進行任何的拼貼、紋路、花樣等過去國內景觀設計常使用的設計模式,反而為串聯各個場域的空間及兼顧其視覺整體性,同時也為了環境友善,這次大範圍的使用了同一色系、質感的透水混凝土鋪面,顏色選用上也盡量以低彩度、簡潔洗練為原則,完全透水也能讓所有降雨的雨水自然回滲至原土層,因此土壤含水夠,自然也不需要噴灌系統,這是對於永續環境及節能的一點努力。
The Brick Yard 33 1/3 The Grass Mountain Teen Club, a brick compound on Yangming mountain that served as a club for US soldiers and their families stationed in Taiwan from the 1950s to the 1970s, has reopened as a public space for music, food and nostalgia. The former club, built in the 1950s and named Grass Mountain Teen Club in 1968, has been renamed the Brick Yard 33 1/3 (BY33). Combining indoor and outdoor spaces, it is a place where people can listen to vinyl records, eat food inspired by southern US cuisine and savor the atmosphere. The project was undertaken under the Old House renaissance program launched by the Taipei City Government in 2012. Private investors were encouraged to join the project to restore “cultural properties” that had been abandoned and “revive” them by transforming them into cultural and creative spaces. ----Taipei Times In 2014, we won the design competition to renovate the US soldiers’ club, which consisted of red-brick buildings and two swimming pools on a nearly 3,300m2 site on a Yangmingshan hillside. After more than two years of construction, the club was transformed into a multipurpose complex divided into three areas: a dining room, a music room and a public bar. There are also plenty of indoor and outdoor spaces for exhibitions and performances, we transform the outoor swimming pool to 8cm depth water feature where kids canuse it as playground and watertheme park also the central pathway(4cm depth by differentation of water level of the pond) serve a catwalk for show and when we dry the water then it becomes a plaza for variousactivities. The garden: cherry trees and geometric shrubs emerging from the red-brick surface and the curved bench look just like public art emerge into the landform. A central court yard, 0.1-acre pond (used to be 3.4m depth swimming pool) creates a visual point for the main spaces within the site.and the water feature play the ro;e as a mirror which reflect the surrounding mountain scene so the trees seem to grow from beneath the water, emerging above the surface as majestic symbols of life and energy.