
窗棂雅韵体 Elegant Chinese window font

窗棂雅韵体 Elegant Chinese window font



【獎項 Prizes】 優選 Distinction

【國家或地區 Country/Region】 中國大陸 China

【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 独立设计师

【設計師姓名 Designer】 張文龍

【作品介紹 Description】

窗棂是中国传统木构建筑的框架结构设计,窗棂文化存在于生活的各个领域和每个角落,浓缩了历史文化和中式审美情趣的精华。 窗棂的形状多种多样,极富装饰趣味。一个窗子就像一个画框,人们在窗子间漫游、移步观景,犹如在画廊中赏画。 这款字体的设计灵感便来源于此,圆形的外框寓意圆满,汉字笔画则方正、刚硬嵌入其中,笔画将圆形空间分割,形成大小错落的窗格。 远看窗有景,近观字成型。幽幽生雅韵,方圆显神气。故名曰“窗棂雅韵体”。


Chinese window is the frame structure design of Chinese traditional wooden architecture. Chinese window culture exists in every field and every corner of life, which concentrates the essence of historical culture and Chinese aesthetic taste. The shape of Chinese window is various, extremely rich adornment interest. A window is like a picture frame. People wander among the Windows and look at the scene as if they were appreciating paintings in a gallery. The design inspiration of this font comes from this, the round outer frame implies a complete circle, the Chinese character stroke is square, rigid imbedded in it, the stroke divides the circular space, forms the size staggered pane. Standing in the distance, the window is a landscape, close look, can see clearly the text outline. They are sending out light elegant, square and round in the embodiment of a thick Chinese lasting appeal. So it was called 'Elegant Chinese window font'.