
Dab ECG Holter patch

Dab ECG Holter patch

The results of a medical examination depends not only on accurate measure but also on ordinary user behavior.

Most of the patients behaves differently under Ecg holtering, which leads to non-accurate diagnosis.

【獎項 Prizes】 優選 Distinction

【國家或地區 Country/Region】 匈牙利 Hungary

【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 adammiklosi adammiklosi

【設計師姓名 Designer】 Adam Miklosi

【作品介紹 Description】

The results of a medical examination depends not only on accurate measure but also on ordinary user behavior. Most of the patients behaves differently under Ecg holtering, which leads to non-accurate diagnosis. There are many reasons causing this change in the behavior, some of them is practical, which could be easily improved, but some of them is emotional. Existing solutions are mainly improving technology, not the user experience as the design of Dab. Dab is aimed to minimize medical instrument size by reducing electrode distances. It is recording data with 3 permanent high-quality silver-alloy dry electrodes. Instead of the regular disposable solutions, Dab has the electrodes integrated in its body and halving the interelectrode distance compare to the existing patches on the market. The form of the sensor body and the positioning of the electrodes makes sure to maintain a proper contact to the surface of the skin in any kind of situation while protecting the sensor from any unintended removal. The sensor is attached to the body by 2 types of adhesive depends on the lifestyle. The redesigned way of applying the sensor onto the body makes it effortless and intuitive. The design characteristic and the color-material-finish purely bases on the technical needs of a holter, creating a low emotional and practical impact on users while offering an easy to produce solution with low maintenance. The sensor is Bluetooth connected to a smartphone and all data stored in the Dab cloud.