【獎項 Prizes】 評審團推薦獎 Judges’ Special Award;共融設計獎 Inclusive Design Award
【國家或地區 Country/Region】 臺灣Taiwan
【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 大同大學
【設計師姓名 Designer】 莊宛純,施燕双,張芷瑄
【作品介紹 Description】
我們希望創造能讓孩子盡情展現想像力和發現多樣變化的遊具,並且在過程中發現「一個人玩好玩,更多人玩會更好玩」。在互動中啟發他們去感受世界,透過遊戲的設計讓孩子們自然而然地玩在一起。 遊具以草帽的形象座落於公共環境中,在視覺上呈現物及自然的和諧關係。走近後將發現內部在進行遊戲的同時,外部透明擋板在彩色球與光影的動態交織下產生美麗變化。 團隊希望以遊具產生的特別景象吸引旁觀者加入遊戲,參與同時也成為創造者,而外部巨觀與內部微觀對比感受,將產生兩個截然不同的想像世界。 在遊具外部攀爬時,內層透出由藍至綠的漸層配色,傳達海洋與島嶼的意象,在由下往上攀爬時,象徵由海洋登上島嶼,遊具透明外層上的漸變花紋,如同向上登陸時留下一步步的足跡,而鋪面上皆有安全的止滑設計,讓孩子們能夠快樂地遊玩。 當進到內部,會發現由好多小動物且生機勃勃的微觀世界,孩子向下拉動拉環蒐集彩色球發射,互相合作使球在小動物間傳遞、瞄準或是碰撞,為了讓其更近距離探索球的變化,團隊在內部製作了探險洞,能將頭探入其中,一窺可愛的小世界。在內部空間規劃上也因應不同身高差有不同起伏變化,讓全年齡都能藉由視覺、聽覺、觸覺的方式,一起在dondong遊具上發掘各種遊戲體驗與互動。 我們希望創造能讓孩子盡情展現想像力和發現多樣變化的遊具,並且在過程中發現「一個人玩好玩,更多人玩會更好玩」。在互動中啟發他們去感受世界,透過遊戲的設計讓孩子們自然而然地玩在一起。
We aim to create a playground equipment which can inspire children's imaginations and help children figure out the world by the various way to interact with playground equipment . Moreover, through the process of game playing children could gradually get along with each other, and it would equip children with ability of exploration, cooperation and competition. Presenting the image of straw hat, Don dong is located at the public environment and visually interacts with nature harmoniously. When you come closer, you could find the significant scene made up by color balls, sunlight and shade on the transparent surface layer. We believe that a stunning scene could make a playground equipment more appealing, and attract more people to join it. At the same time, spectators become creators. When you observing from either outside or inside, you would find out two distinct worlds. From outside of don dong, you could see a gradation color from blue to green shining from internal layer, and the colors represent image of land and ocean. When you climb up the surface, it is as if you were landing. Additionally, there is patterns on the transparent surface layer which act as footprints while landing. All the paving is slip-proof, and we hope children can play with don dong delightedly and safely. Walking into the inside part, you will find a small but vibrant world with lovely animals. Children pull at the hanging rings to collect color balls, and they pass or throw the balls around the animals. To observe the balls much more closely, we design the 'Adventure Cave' through which children can have a look at the tiny world. The interior space is designed with undulated ground to respond to all-age height difference, and, through seeing, hearing, touching, we wish everyone can enjoy with don dong.