【獎項 Prizes】 優選 Distinction
【國家或地區 Country/Region】 中國大陸China
【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 OPEN Architecture
【設計師姓名 Designer】
【作品介紹 Description】
在中国北部渤海湾的一段沙滩上,OPEN设计了一座消隐的美术馆,如同藏于沙丘之下的神秘洞穴。将美术馆选址于沙丘之下,既是对自然的敬畏,也是一种保护:因为美术馆的存在,这片沙丘将永远不会人为“被推平”,从而维护了千百年累积下来但也十分脆弱的沙丘生态系统。 一系列细胞状的连续空间,构成了沙丘美术馆里丰富的功能,包括大小形态各异的展厅、接待厅和咖啡厅等。建筑的主入口是嵌入沙丘里的一个隧道般的洞口。经过长长的、幽暗的隧道,进入到一个圆顶有柔和天光的接待厅,然后空间豁然开朗——人们步入中央展厅,那里,一束光线从高高的穹顶上倾泻而下,空间弥漫着静谧而神圣的精神光辉。 从沙丘美术馆内部看海,透过不同的洞口、在不同的时间里,大海都是不一样的风景。一部通往沙丘顶部观景平台的螺旋楼梯,引领人们从洞穴的暗处循着光线拾级而上,直到突然置身于天空与大海的广袤之间。 这座美术馆不仅在设计理念与空间形态上突破传统,也尽可能地实现了建筑的可持续性。它的设计体现了建筑师对于环境与生态的深刻关照,同时创造了一个人与艺术、与自然对话的独特场所。
On a quiet beach along the coast of northern China's Bohai Bay, the UCCA Dune Art Museum is carved into the sand, where it gently disappears. The decision to create the art museum underneath the dunes surrounding it was born out of both the architects' deep reverence for nature and their desire to protect the vulnerable dune ecosystem, formed by natural forces over thousands of years. Because of the museum, these sand dunes will be preserved instead of leveled to make space for ocean-view real estate developments, as has happened to many other dunes along the shore. A series of cell-like contiguous spaces accommodate differently-sized galleries, a café, and some ancillary spaces. After passing through a long, dark tunnel and a small reception area, the space suddenly opens up as visitors enter the largest multifunctional gallery. There, a beam of daylight from the skylight above silently yet powerfully fills the space. Various openings framed by the building allow visitors to observe the ever-changing expressions of the sky and sea throughout the day. A spiral staircase leads to a lookout on top of the sand dune, guiding curious audiences from the dark recesses below to the vast openness above. Formally and conceptually innovative, and deeply committed to sustainability, the Dune Art Museum's design creates an engaging and non-traditional encounter with art, provoking visitors to thoughtfully contemplate the fundamental relationships between human, nature and art.