



這原是一棟台灣街頭常見的舊有鐵皮屋 由外 在建築物既有鐵皮屋頂上覆蓋屋瓦與隔熱,解決了鐵皮屋常有的室內悶熱現況,減少耗能,感覺像在外觀上覆上一層於繁忙街道中,低調的新衣。外觀上,以大片屋瓦的斜屋頂造型呈現,讓低調沉穩與大器醒目交融,另類的衝突感也能讓往來行人留下深刻印象。

立面 長型低調立面,入口平台內縮,刻意凸顯木質的輕盈感,空間色調的反差感亦營造出劇場舞台之效果。讓用餐的客人,也成為一幕幕演出的主角。

入口接待等待區前設置戶外鏡面水池,緩慢流動的水面映照出室內光影情境,讓室內外的畫面在水波上串聯,也藉此模糊邊界,加大空間的開闊度,更增添延伸效果。 由內 屋頂由內而外延伸低矮的屋簷,進入室內空間後,木桁架的架設創造出足夠高度,距離的落差有效帶出空間層次。在接待大堂裡,室內牆面縝密排列條狀格柵,投射出光影相間,交織出躍動淋漓的構圖。透過疏密的直列錯位,創造出視覺穿透感。 挑空樑柱則為原有結構,在櫃檯部份,實木格柵,與屋頂木桁架的高度差,形塑出屋中屋的戲劇感。

【獎項 Prizes】 優選 Distinction

【國家或地區 Country/Region】 台灣Taiwan

【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 拾葉室內裝修設計工程有限公司 LEAVES ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN

【設計師姓名 Designer】 葉佳隴

【作品介紹 Description】

這原是一棟台灣街頭常見的舊有鐵皮屋 由外 在建築物既有鐵皮屋頂上覆蓋屋瓦與隔熱,解決了鐵皮屋常有的室內悶熱現況,減少耗能,感覺像在外觀上覆上一層於繁忙街道中,低調的新衣。外觀上,以大片屋瓦的斜屋頂造型呈現,讓低調沉穩與大器醒目交融,另類的衝突感也能讓往來行人留下深刻印象。 立面 長型低調立面,入口平台內縮,刻意凸顯木質的輕盈感,空間色調的反差感亦營造出劇場舞台之效果。讓用餐的客人,也成為一幕幕演出的主角。 入口接待等待區前設置戶外鏡面水池,緩慢流動的水面映照出室內光影情境,讓室內外的畫面在水波上串聯,也藉此模糊邊界,加大空間的開闊度,更增添延伸效果。 由內 屋頂由內而外延伸低矮的屋簷,進入室內空間後,木桁架的架設創造出足夠高度,距離的落差有效帶出空間層次。在接待大堂裡,室內牆面縝密排列條狀格柵,投射出光影相間,交織出躍動淋漓的構圖。透過疏密的直列錯位,創造出視覺穿透感。 挑空樑柱則為原有結構,在櫃檯部份,實木格柵,與屋頂木桁架的高度差,形塑出屋中屋的戲劇感。


The building of TANG ZHAN was renovated from an old metal sheet house regularly observed on the streets of Taiwan. The building renewal plan covering the previous metal sheets with tiles and thermal insulation materials properly solves the common issues of stifling heat in the house, and reduces the energy consumptions in the meantime. The new appearance of building on a busy street, therefore, figuratively adds a new low-profile impression. The slant roofs with large tiles integrate the composed and magnificent attraction, of which the alternatively inconsistent feelings are imposing to the public as well. The long building façade adds a low-key impression, and the recessed entrance deliberately brings out the light textures of woods. The contrasts of colors manifest the theatrical effects, making every customer become an actor/actress in every theatre scene. The reflections of lights on the slowly flowing big pool alongside the outdoor reception counter connect the indoor and outdoor scenes, thus obscuring boundaries, magnifying spaces, and diversifying design effects. Though the low eaves extended outwards from the indoor space, the wood trusses increase sufficient heights that effectively expose the delicate space characters by creating the differences of heights. The lights filtering through the wood grilles decorated in the lobby manifest the vivified scenes and the see-through effects. The original tall pillars and columns remain unchanged. At the reception counter in the building, the differences of heights between the wood grilles and wood trusses are dramatic as appealing as a house in a house.