【獎項 Prizes】 WDO Sustainability Award
【國家或地區 Country/Region】 台灣Taiwan
【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 明志科技大學
【設計師姓名 Designer】 劉韋伶,陳重逸,楊宜庭,林庭安 (Wei-ling, Liu、Choug-yi, Chen、Yi-ting, Yang、Ting-an, Lin)
【作品介紹 Description】
In the main areas of agriculture and animal husbandry , animal husbandry and household wastewater often enter the river without treatment , so that too much nutrient salt in the water , resulting in river breeding . River well-being has always been a major problem affecting ecology and life at the same time , we observed that the surface of the well-nourished river is covered by phytoplankton , resulting in the underwater can not receive sunlight , affecting the composition of aquatic organisms in the water , destroying the ecology . So we wanted to design circular water plants that could coexist with ecosystems , in response to several characteristics of phytoplankton .