
Catemaco Pier

Catemaco Pier




【獎項 Prizes】 優選 Distinction

【國家或地區 Country/Region】 Mexico墨西哥

【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 

【設計師姓名 Designer】 Alejandro Moreno Guerrero

【作品介紹 Description】 
卡提馬科,一座蓋在湖岸邊並以該湖命名的城鎮,從一開始便以神秘且充滿傳奇色彩的連結為特色,也為城鎮的居民提供了各式各樣的生存方式,包括善用當今的捕魚和旅遊業,更將卡提馬科在地圖上定位成一座充滿生態旅遊的小鎮。 以下項目重新設想並詮釋了卡提馬科城鎮與湖泊間的互動,讓城鎮於妥善利用自然環境發展經濟的同時也能做好環境維護的工作。 人類於湖岸邊之行為表現對環境所造成之衝擊也同樣發生在卡提馬科。近幾年來,湖泊已受到人類活動的影響。這是因為遍布整個城鎮的地下排水管會不斷夾帶著各式各樣可能由雨水或人類活動造成的物質和廢物通過水流,最後不幸抵達了湖區的八個不同的位置。

Catemaco, a town founded on the shores of a lake, which bears its name, has been characterized from the beginning by a mystical connection filled with legends and providing diverse ways of survival for the inhabitants of the town, taking advantage of fishing and tourism in the present day, putting Catemaco on the map as a town full of ecotourism. The following project re-imagines the interaction of the town of Catemaco with the lake, allowing the town to improve its economy by taking advantage of and caring for its natural environment. The effects of human manifestation next to the lake are not an exception in Catemaco, since during the last few years the lake has been affected by human activities. This is due to the fact that throughout the town there are different underground drains that carry all kinds of substances and waste through water currents, either caused by rain or human activity, which unfortunately end up in eight different points of the lake.