


Lava Dome熔岩穹丘電熱器之設計是為打造一結合玄武岩本身的蜂窩狀熱絕緣質地與電子學的現代時尚裝飾產品。


【獎項 Prizes】 優選 Distinction

【國家或地區 Country/Region】 United Kingdom 英國

【公司/團隊 Company/Group】

【設計師姓名 Designer】 seckin kahraman

【作品介紹 Description】 

Lava Dome熔岩穹丘電熱器之設計是為打造一結合玄武岩本身的蜂窩狀熱絕緣質地與電子學的現代時尚裝飾產品。
Lava Dome熔岩穹丘電熱器將現代設計融入眾所皆知能吸收火山溫度的一般玄武岩質地,在產生熱感的同時更將熔岩由火山口流出至地球表面的印象帶給使用者。將玄武岩切割三維立體狀後削薄至圓形環狀以成渠道,用來展現石頭渾然天成的耐光性及原貌。
Lava Dome熔岩穹丘電熱器內的前側電子板設有觸控式螢幕和Wi-Fi網路連線,透過專用的手機app,使用者便能輕鬆進行遠端遙控操作。

Lava Dome has been designed to achieve a modern and stylish decorative product that combines the thermal insulation of the basalt coming from its areolar texture with the electronics.
  By combining a modern design with the traditional texture of the basalt which is well known to absorb the volcanic temperatures, Lava Dome gives the feeling of the heat and form of the lava that reaches the surface of the Earth from the craters. By cutting the basalt stone in 3 dimension and creating canals by thinning out circularly, it has been aimed to show the lights of the resistances within the natural form of the stone.
  Electronic front panel in the Lava Dome provides both touch screen control and Wi-Fi connectivity for with the specifically designed app for the smartphones which eases the remote control.
Not only with the different basalt alternatives in the front panel but also providing options of stainless steel and different colour possibilities by electrostatic oven colouring it will bring a modern stylish touch the homes. A portable electric heater designed using natural stone. An industrial product designed using natural stone. designed to save energy.