
INGENI Fortune Hand Cream



【Group/Designer|設計團隊/設計師】Triangler Co., Ltd.|三名治股份有限公司


"INGENI", unveils a joint gift box with the renowned "Jenna Lann Temple" to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Our design aims to create a packaging box that radiates a festive ambiance without clichés, brimming with inventive details. Observing the hand cream and lucky coin forming an inadvertent exclamation mark "!", we incorporated it as the central visual element on the outer packaging. This not only captivates attention but fosters a profound connection with the product. The gift box features "Fortune Poems" and "Playing Cards," utilizing a traditional fortune poem grid layout system. We added a scratch-off lottery ticket to the Fortune Poems, aligning with the Taiwanese luck-testing tradition during the festival. The "Playing Cards" showcase oversized representations of the four suits, echoing the impactful exclamation mark on the outer box. Additionally, we opted for Chinese characters to depict suits and numbers, introducing an Eastern essence to the Western playing card tradition.

「新肌霓」致力於研發高效能的護膚產品,在新年節慶推出「鎮瀾宮」聯名商品禮盒這次設計共同打造出有節慶感卻不落套俗、充滿質感與巧思的包裝。 我們發現護手霜與錢母輪廓恰巧可以擺出「!」驚嘆號的造型,因此將符號化為外包裝的設計元素,除了呼應產品造型,也希望為消費者營造收到禮盒的好奇與驚喜感。顏色選用溫潤且富有肌理的紅色美術紙,兩個聯名品牌商標做燙印的效果,讓紅與金帶出過年的好喜氣。內襯則以金屬光澤質感的紙張,印刷上新肌霓的品牌色彩,讓整體更有品牌的調性與氛圍。 禮盒還延伸了「籤詩」與「命運處方籤撲克牌」,兩者都以仿籤詩的格線排版,並延續驚喜感,在籤詩上增加刮刮樂的效果,增加互動性以及趣味感。在撲克牌的牌面設計,以大版面呈現四個撲克牌花色,希望與外盒張力十足的驚嘆號有呼應,色彩選新肌霓的品牌色取代黑色,以紅、藍、金三色為主,讓整體禮盒色彩更有一致性。我們也加了一些設計巧思,在牌角數字與花色以國字呈現,為西方文化的撲克牌,注入一些東方氣息。 藉由這次的包裝設計,希望打破大家對公廟聯名俗氣的認知,讓新肌霓藉由禮盒,在消費者心中展現更具現代美感的品牌印象。