
蜷蜷亭 Rolling Pavilion

【Prizes|獎項】Silver Award銀獎


【Group/Designer|設計團隊/設計師】Serendipity Studio|偶然設計 : Ling-Li Tseng|曾令理, Serendipity Studio|偶然設計, Bamboo-Lai|竹籟文創, OuDe light|偶得設計, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University|國立陽明交通大學


"Rolling Pavilion" is located on the tree-surrounded lawn of Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Inspired by curves, it mimics the growth and curvature of plants, creating a semi-shaded pavilion with arched seating areas for rest. The creators used bamboo and digital tools to construct a rational, gradient sequence form, developing a high-curvature, transverse-span bamboo arch method. The pavilion spans 8 meters in width and reaches 4.8 meters in height. Scale test pieces helped integrate this structure into contemporary architecture. Assembled with split bamboo strips, the design overcomes natural material deformation. Precise bending strength determination stabilized the three-dimensional curves. The creation process involved layout, assembly, membrane application, and structural reinforcement. The supporting structure uses semi-transparent agricultural film combined with fine bamboo, making the pavilion practical and aesthetically pleasing. This pavilion integrates natural materials with organic curves, demonstrating bamboo's versatility and potential.


設計團隊與竹籟文創合作,利用自然、有機的竹材,用數位工具建構出漸變的理性序列形態,發展高曲度的橫向跨距竹拱工法。竹亭的橫向跨距達8米,高度達4.8米,並在發展概念時試做了等比例的測試件,讓竹構築在現實中迎向新形態的當代建築與空間。 本體用孟宗竹剖竹片集成塑形,克服自然材料的形變特質,展現竹材的編輯性。由於竹片的結構強度不如竹管,需要仔細找出適應的彎曲強度,使三維曲線穩定。
