
Hangzhou Shuiguo Hotel (Xintiandi)

【獎項 Prizes】優選 Distinction

【國家或地區 Country / Region】中國大陸 China

【設計團隊 Group / 設計師 Designer】 北京对角线设计 DJX Design Studio, Beijing / 王兵 Bing Wang

【作品介紹 Description】




How to present a spatial state different from daily life? The answer is to create novel scenes, rather than following common approaches.

The project is intended to drive the transformation of commercial space through design approaches. Based on the observations and reflection on the industry, the design team conceived this commercial space centered on people’s internal needs.

The design broke the shackles of rules, and made innovations in core aspects. The space offers cozy experience to customers as if they’re roaming in an “indoor city”. The silent play of light and shadows combined with the calming ambience result in an immersive spiritual realm.