

【獎項 Prizes】優選 Distinction

【國家或地區 Country / Region】 台灣 Taiwan

【設計團隊 Group / 設計師 Designer】 實踐大學 Shih Chien University / 張寀鈺 Chang, Tsai Yu

【作品介紹 Description】

這個設計的核心在於探索軟木片的特性和可能性。有別於現有的軟木產品都以軟木塊進行設計,Corkora使用不同厚度的軟木片作為材料。 軟木片通常只用於製作平面產品,例如布告板或杯墊。然而,軟木片具有其他材料無法複製的特性,例如形狀記憶和張力,使其能夠彎曲成優雅的曲面,而不同厚度的軟木皆有各自的彎曲姿態,提供給設計師們不一樣的發揮空間。 Corkora正是應用了這些特性,這一系列家飾品包含了壁燈與桌燈。金屬底座除了能凸顯襯托出軟木材料的質感,也增加物體的重心使其穩固。考慮到用戶體驗,將產品設計成可拆卸的結構,使生產商易於運輸,買家易於安裝。使用者只需要一個簡單的彎折組裝動作便可重現產品優雅的線條姿態,為家中增添一處美麗的風景。

The essence of the design is to explore the various features and possibilities of cork. While most cork products involve shaping cork blocks, cork sheets are typically used only for flat objects such as notice boards or coasters. However, cork sheets have unique properties such as memory of shape and tension that cannot be replicated by other materials. This allows them to be bent into graceful surfaces, creating a distinctive and versatile material for designers to work with. Corkora precisely applies this feature by forming lamps. The use of a metal base sets off the rustic texture of the cork material and increases the center of gravity of the object, making it stable. Considering the user experience, the design includes a detachable structure that makes it easy for producers to transport and for buyers to install. When you're ready to add a touch of sophistication to your home, a simple bending motion can recreate the refined curves of Corkora's design.