
Platform C

C平台(Platform C')是一個位於哥本哈根的公共空間設計初衷是提供民眾一個能將獨木舟推入水中、游泳、或是和朋友們放鬆喝杯咖啡的地方。這個空間是由MAST設計以作為模板,並且可以在哥本哈根或世界各地的場合架設。此設計包括一個具保護功能的半圓長椅,椅背架高可以擋風。它受到傳統丹麥船隻建造技巧啟發,在南根本哈根的一座船廠內以手工打造而成。【獎項 Prizes】專業應用精進獎 Circular Design Award

【國家或地區 Country / Region】 丹麥 Denmark

【設計團隊 Group / 設計師 Designer】 MAST - Marshall Blecher、Magnus Maarbjerg

【作品介紹 Description】

C平台(Platform C')是一個位於哥本哈根的公共空間,其設計初衷是提供民眾一個能將獨木舟推入水中、游泳、或是和朋友們放鬆喝杯咖啡的地方。這個空間是由MAST設計以作為模板,並且可以在哥本哈根或世界各地的場合架設。此設計包括一個具保護功能的半圓長椅,椅背架高可以擋風。它受到傳統丹麥船隻建造技巧啟發,在南根本哈根的一座船廠內以手工打造而成。

Platform C is an inclusive public space located on a nature trail in Copenhagen. Created from 900 meters of local Danish oakwood, the platform and bench provide a new look out post and functions as a recreational destination for families, couples, and bird watchers. The design idea was to create a social gathering place that would provide new water accessibility for the public, a connection point that invites users to observe the relationship between the city and its unique natural environment. By hovering just over the lake Platform C amplifies the sensation of being close to the water and nature. The circular design of the platform intentionally creates seating that prioritizes both communication between the users and the panoramic view of the surroundings. This form has allowed Platform C to become a place for creating special experiences that build lasting memories within the natural environment of Copenhagen.