

這是一款專門為了孕婦設計的可伸縮衣服,可以滿足孕婦整個孕期的穿衣需求。衣服在腹部區域做一些規則變化的紋理,這些紋理具有一定的張力,可以輕鬆順應孕婦腹部隆起的不規則形體的變化,並且隨著孕肚的變化,紋路也會增大,形成不一樣的美感,這件衣服可以見證一個生命孕育與誕生的過程。從懷孕到生產,可伸縮孕婦服通過紋理的變化滿足的孕婦的功能需求,同時這種顯而易見的變化也伴隨著審美的誕生,甚至生產後,這件衣服也可以正常穿著,減少不必要的浪費。【獎項 Prizes】金獎 Golden Prize

【國家或地區 Country / Region】 中國大陸 China

【設計團隊 Group / 設計師 Designer】 IU+Design - 申繼業 jiyeshen

【作品介紹 Description】


This is a retractable garment designed specifically for pregnant women to wear throughout their pregnancy. The abdomen area of the garment is designed with figures changing regularly and containing a certain tension for easily polishing irregular shape of baby bulge. With the change of bulge’s shape, such patterns will expand as well, forming a unique beauty. In other words, the garment witnesses the entire process of a baby from gestation to birth. Throughout the whole progress, the retractable garment meets functional demands of pregnant women through pattern variations, which is accompanied by the creation of beauty of birth. Moreover, the garment can be worn normally after birth, reducing unnecessary waste.