【獎項 Prizes】優選 Distinction
【國家或地區 Country / Region】 中國大陸 China
【設計團隊 Group / 設計師 Designer】 麗水市一懿工業設計有限責任公司 Lishui yiyi industrial design co., ltd - 孫昊Sunhao
【作品介紹 Description】
節約糧食,是我們每個公民應盡的義務,本套餐具從外觀和實用功能兩個方案進行設計突破,運用基本的幾何元素,去追求造型的極致與功能的實用。這款餐具的容納空間由外圍向內聚集,從頂部看下去,中心呈現“一”字形,又寓意感情的忠貞,家庭的美好,故起名“一心一意”。另外,盤子內部的盛放空間比傳統的盤子少了30%,倡導更健康的飲食習慣,底部剩餘的菜餚最終會匯聚到“一”字形空間內,方便用筷子夾起。提倡光盤行動。旨在引領一種新的節約糧食,綠色飲食的生活方式。 “一心一意”的設計,我們渴望去傳達更多的內涵,以詩意和感性的設計,定格幾何元素的簡約,餐具造型做成圓角,象徵圓滿;“民以食為天”,融入對家庭與感情的美好期待。
Saving food is the duty of every citizen. Employing the most fundamental geometric elements, we strive to achieve not merely the ultimacy in artistic modeling but also the functionality and usability of the design. The holding space of this set of utensils converges inwardly into a “one-shaped” Chinese character in the center, symbolizing fidelity and happiness of family life, as well as the “oneness” in heart and soul. Additionally, the holding capacity the plates is designed to be 30% less than that of traditional ones as a way to advocate healthier food portions. The remaining food eventually converges within the “one-shaped” space, making it convenient to be picked up by chopsticks. Each utensil performs their own functions catering to the needs of holding different portions of food. The lines of splitting curves are arranged in a neat and aesthetic way, and the large openings, as well as the “abdomens” that skewed straightly downwards, present vivid changes in light and shadow across different angles, highlighting the tastiness and exquisiteness of food and conveying the aesthetic value of “intrinsic connectedness” that we hold dear in our heart.