
Music Out of the Box - An open source music teaching aid for kids 課本。課本。音樂盒 - 給兒童的開源音樂教具

目前大多數國家的教育規劃皆是由分科教育的型態在進行規劃,而分科教育容易造成知識產生在不同科別之中失去脈絡與連續性。目前一些國家都開始導入主題式教學的思維,強調模糊科別之間的邊界,透過主題去帶領學童學習知識。初始目標針對台灣目前的音樂教育現況,目前的環境大多以直笛作為主要的選用器材。而導致直笛成為音樂課的主軸的原因是他售價便宜、取得方便、收納方便的特性。因此在思考,是否能夠在現有的資源環境底下,打破目前音樂教育的框架,拓展教育的各方面可能性。以主題式教學作為的核心,將電腦課、美術課與音樂課整合成系統性的教程。機制透過老師在網路上取得開源檔案,讓學生體驗如何去製作電路、學習結構原理、最終可以作為學習樂器演奏的教具使用。【獎項 Prizes】優選 Distinction

【國家或地區 Country / Region】 台灣 Taiwan

【設計團隊 Group / 設計師 Designer】 何奕劭 Ho, Yi Shao

【作品介紹 Description】


Most countries uses subject-specific teaching as the course designing method. This method sometimes causes knowledge losing continuity between subjects. As a result, Countries started introducing thematic teaching to course designing in order to reduce the boundaries between subjects. Originated from music education in Taiwan. Most schools use recorders as the main teaching tool. The reason is that because of the low price, easy access, and easy storage. So the idea is to break through the circumstances and create more possibilities of music education. The design combines the content of computer science, art, and music curriculums. Arranging the contents into a systematic course. Using the idea of copyright-free open source to let teachers access the materials online. Teaching students about how to work with sensors, method of structures, at last a kit for learning instruments. By using the concept, we can reduce the threshold of music education. Building up the application for thematic teaching method. At last, designers and engineers can join in and expand the community by the idea of copyright-free open source. Making the project reaching to the maximum audience.