
Flood-Proof Trench Cover 防淹水水溝蓋


【獎項 Prizes】廠商贊助獎 Sponsors Award

【國家或地區 Country / Region】 台灣 Taiwan

【設計團隊 Group / 設計師 Designer】 亞東科技大學 Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology - 高紫渝 GAO,ZI-YU、吳承恩 Wu,Cheng-En

【作品介紹 Description】


In Taiwan, where there are many rainy seasons, flooding often becomes one of the problems for people's livelihood, and there are many reasons for flooding, and people randomly discard garbage and sediment accumulation and causing the drainage hole to be blocked and the drainage is not smooth. Therefore, it is designed to automatically clean the garbage at regular intervals, and initially filter the sediment to reduce the accumulation of silt in the ditch, and through the combination of automatic cleaning equipment and specially designed drainage ditch cover, to reduce the flooding and accumulation of drainage ditches, and reduce the probability of flooding on the road surface.
This product can be automatically cleaned up regularly to reduce blockage, and malodor, reduce mosquito breeding, reduce flooding, prevent heavy rain and reduce manpower to clean the drainage ditch, and in the event of heavy rain, it can still maintain the good drainage function of the drainage ditch, and the size of the drainage ditch product itself is designed and optimized according to the public regulations of the drainage ditch cover on the market in Taiwan.