
2020台灣設計展-指標規劃暨裝置設計 2020 Taiwan Design Expo – Signage Planning and Installation Design

從2020台灣設計展Check in Hsinchiu「人來風」的概念衍伸,承襲展覽核心價值轉化為具象的指標造物。揉合新竹「風城」以及科技產業2大特色,以亮白、金屬、輕質媒材的鷹架作為指標載體,從岔路口指標、小徑過道牆到展場入口形象,柔軟又堅韌的帆布在鷹架上繞呀繞的有趣,這是風的形狀!從新竹公園一路經過新竹轉運站,再到新竹舊城區,場勘超過10次以上的新竹2公里路徑,規劃出整體指標系統的點位設置與資訊,同時考量夜晚友善的燈光指引,卻又不影響到新竹動物園裡對動物造成光害的實務面,在這2公里的步行路徑裡提供兼具設計美學的藝術裝置與方向指引,導入城市公共美學。材質利用可回收鷹架與洞洞帆布結合,搭建成約2層樓高的各展區入口識別與展區地圖資訊。讓指標系統不單純只是指標,而是能導入設計成為功能與美感兼具的藝術裝置,更以「永續經營」為出發點,以可回收材質取代木作,減少環境破壞。

【獎項 Prizes】優選 Distinction

【國家或地區 Country / Region】 台灣 Taiwan

【設計團隊 Group / 設計師 Designer】 同心圓設計・影像 CONCENTRIC DESIGN & PRODUCTION

【作品介紹 Description】

從2020台灣設計展Check in Hsinchiu「人來風」的概念衍伸,承襲展覽核心價值轉化為具象的指標造物。揉合新竹「風城」以及科技產業2大特色,以亮白、金屬、輕質媒材的鷹架作為指標載體,從岔路口指標、小徑過道牆到展場入口形象,柔軟又堅韌的帆布在鷹架上繞呀繞的有趣,這是風的形狀!從新竹公園一路經過新竹轉運站,再到新竹舊城區,場勘超過10次以上的新竹2公里路徑,規劃出整體指標系統的點位設置與資訊,同時考量夜晚友善的燈光指引,卻又不影響到新竹動物園裡對動物造成光害的實務面,在這2公里的步行路徑裡提供兼具設計美學的藝術裝置與方向指引,導入城市公共美學。材質利用可回收鷹架與洞洞帆布結合,搭建成約2層樓高的各展區入口識別與展區地圖資訊。讓指標系統不單純只是指標,而是能導入設計成為功能與美感兼具的藝術裝置,更以「永續經營」為出發點,以可回收材質取代木作,減少環境破壞。

Derived from the concept of 2020 Taiwan Design Expo – Check in Hsinchu, the signage system inherits and converts the expo’s core value into abstract signs. Fusing Hsinchu’s two major traits—the “windy” city and technology industry—as the primary elements, the signs are installed on bright, metal, and lightweight scaffolds; from signs at forked roads, passageway walls, to the entry image of the exhibition venue, soft and resilient canvases are wrapped on scaffolds into interesting forms, and these are the shapes of wind! Walking around in Hsinchu, we invite you to follow the direction of the wind, and let “Check in Hsinchu” give rise to a wave of industrial fashion in Hsinchu.
From Hsinchu Park to old downtown Hsinchu via Hsinchu Bus Station, the spots of and information displayed on the signs were decided after nearly a dozen onsite investigations along the 2-km route, taking into consideration of sufficient lighting and minimal impacts on the animals in the zoo. The 2-km walking route features art installations and aesthetic design of directional signs, shaping urban public aesthetics. Recyclable scaffolds and canvas are used as the materials of two-story high entrance imageries and site maps. Not just signs, design makes signage system an art installation with functionality and aesthetics. Replacing wood by recyclable materials to reduce impact on environment and achieve sustainability.