
House of Dreams






【獎項 Prizes】 金獎 Golden Award

【國家或地區 Country/Region】 Hong Kong 香港 

【公司/團隊 Company/Group】 Insitu Project

【設計師姓名 Designer】 Peter Hasdell、郭子怡 Kuo Jze Yi、梁軍 Laing Jun、古學斌博士 Dr. Ku Hok Bun

【作品介紹 Description】

於西元2020年竣工的周山村窯洞聚落活化建案夢裡老家涉及十九個窯洞、四座大院落、新的配套設施和園林綠化的設計與建設工作。最終形成了一個讓村莊能夠分享最佳實踐農村發展設施。該項目是由 Insitu Project 與梁軍(Liang Jun)、周山村社區和古學斌博士(Dr. Ku Hok Bun)共同進行設計和運營,採用獨特的公共參與式施工過程,並使用回收可利用的營建廢棄物建造而成。獨特的審美源自八十多位村民的集體創意。這有助於實踐的可持續性,發掘營建廢棄物的用途並最大程度地降低建築成本。作為可持續實踐、社區發展和循環經濟的一個案例,夢裡老家亦攸關其他農村社區的實用性。項目名稱「夢裡老家」源於長者社區對童年回憶所產生的集體記憶。窯洞曾經是他們的家,而他們曾在窯洞中生活的回憶現已成為他們記憶中歷史的一部分。因此,這些窯洞會永遠存於他們的夢中,以及他們對祖先和家庭生活的記憶裡。

The House of Dreams revitalised cave settlement in Zhoushan village completed in 2020, involved design and construction of 19 caves, 4 large courtyards, new amenities and landscaping. Resulting in a rural development facility enabling villages to share best-practices. The project was constructed using recycled construction waste in a unique communal participatory construction process designed and run by Insitu Project together with Liang Jun, the Zhoushan Community Group and Dr Ku Hok Bun. The unique aesthetic comes from collective creativity of more than 80 villagers. This contributed to sustainable practices finding uses for construction waste and minimizing construction costs. As an example of sustainable practice, community development and circular economy, the House of Dreams has relevance for other rural communities. The project name House of Dreams derives from the collective memories of the elder community arising from their remembrances of their childhood. The caves were once their homes, their recollection of living in the caves are now part of their remembered history. The caves therefore remain in their dreams and the memories of their ancestors and family life.